Cheque or D.D.write in the name of: Sri Mahaa Mehro Jothida Dhyanalayam Trust. A Trust to promote Education &Research in the branches of Astrology,etc.& Those who are benefitted by Jothida sathguruji mehro Astrology predictions, pls,contribute your donations to develope the Art & Sceince of Astrology to the future Generation to give a positive vision for each Man & woman.and to Avoid their future Life threats,through knowing their horoscope,will Educate by Mehro. ALL Donations are Eligible for Deduction U/S 80G of Indian Income Tax Act 1961. C the penta success live video U tube Jothida sathguruji mehro Enlightened Mystic Through His Birth Horoscope. Our First Upload Date: 29.4.2018 Further Details Contact us: Quality Complex, Ist Floor, New.No: 45, Old No: 12 Arunachalam Road, Saligramam, Chennai - 93. Ph: +91 - 044 - 23760772, 23760774 Mobile: +91 - 99529 59962, 99629 40066, 98409 57612 Website:,