我是溫哥華地產經紀 Vicky :)
從University of British Columbia 得到商業管理榮譽學位畢業之後,我就一直從事房地產方面的工作。自從大學畢業後,我一直專注於房地產領域的工作。我曾在知名本地開發商Bosa Properties擔任金牌銷售,通過一步一個腳印的努力,成為了今天獨立的 Re/Max 房地產經紀。十歲跟隨家人移民至溫哥華,融合中西文化,能流利使用廣東話和普通話,是真正的 "Miss Chinese Vancouver"。 在2020年,我參加了溫哥華華裔小姐競選並獲得季軍,除了房地產經紀工作,平時還擔任溫哥華新時代和城市電視的節目主持人。
Hello, this is your Vancouver Real Estate Agent, Vicky :)
Graduated from the University of British Columbia with an honors degree in Bachelor of Commerce, I have always had a passion for real estate. Previously a Senior Sales Associate for renowned Vancouver developer, Bosa Properties, I have today became a real estate agent at Re/Max.
I hope to share comprehensive Vancouver real estate information through this channel and allow you to get to know me better. If you like what I share and feel that I can be the real estate agent that you can trust, please feel free to contact me to learn more!
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