Pozdrav! Moje ime je W. Na ovom kanalu ću snimati igrice koje su svima nama obeležili detinjstvo. Igrice koje snimam sam i sam igrao kao mlađi. Isključivo igram single player, jer volim da prelazim misije, osim CS 1.6. Ako imate neke dobre igrice od ranije, slobodno preporučite u komentarima u bilo kom videu na kanalu. Rado ću da otpočnem serijal te igrice i prelaziću misije.
Hello! My name is W. On this channel, I will record the games that marked our childhood. The games I record I played myself when I was younger. I exclusively play single player, because I like to complete missions, except for CS 1.6. If you have any good games from before, feel free to recommend in the comments in any video on the channel. I will gladly start the series of that game and go complete the missions.
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