Hello Everyone,
"SouKrit Palace" is a daily vlogging channel also a Couple Vlog Channel where we will be sharing our uncut life with u.we are married couple and our name is Soumik Mukherjee and Krittika Banerjee Mukherjee.we are Basically from Kolkata but for work we are staying in Chennai. So we will share you both Lifestyle Chennai and Kolkata.we want to share our happy moments with u through this vlogs. And also we will try to explore places , good food zone, Beauty hacks, Fashion and many more.So Stay With Us & Enjoy Our Vlogs.
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1st Vlog :- 17/4/2022
100 Subscribers :- 21/10/2022
500 Subscribers :- 23/5/2023
1000 Subscribers :- 30/11/2023
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