In late 2023 legislation was signed into law by President Biden, initiating a disclosure process to reveal to the world much of the information that has been concealed by the U.S. Government and contracting defense aerospace corporations about the UFO phenomenon since 1945. UFOs are now known as Unidentified Anomalous Phenomena, or UAP. This is arguably the most consequential legislation in history. The US Government is now in the process of releasing to the world incontrovertible evidence, revealing its possession of non-human origin spacecraft and non-human origin biological evidence. The evidence retrieved from these vehicles demonstrates conclusively that we are not alone in the universe, that extraterrestrial Intelligences actually exist, and that such non-human intelligent species are currently present and operating on planet Earth. Humanity is entering our “ET Moment.” Ubiquity University is pleased to announce a partnership with the New Paradigm Institute to create the world’s first Certificate and Degree Program in Extraterrestrial Studies. Learn more here: #uap #ufo #disclosure #ce5 #extraterrestrial #exopolitics #uapdisclosure #nhi