展現溫度與角度 藝術是一種表達方式,表達的內容往往關乎日常生活、人際關係、工作際遇、社會期望和他人觀感,而作品本身也必然與藝術家所身處的時代背景和社會脈絡密不可分。 在第六屆的「無限亮」,我們以「展現溫度與角度」為主軸,從日常、當下、大家共同關注而感同身受的議題切入,讓大眾親身體會來自本地及海外不同能力藝術家最關心的議題及所思所感。 Showcasing Human Perspectives As a form of human expression, art can tackle all topics – offering different perspectives on everyday life, interpersonal relationships and encounters, social conditions and expectations. But whatever the content, all art is shaped by the historical and social contexts in which it is conceived and created. The sixth edition of “No Limits” showcases human perspectives through works that address topical issues and problems faced by people in their everyday lives, and features performances and screenings conceived and performed by artists with disabilities from Hong Kong and around the world.