3 years ago • A Useless Channel

I'm back!

Three months ago, two of my videos got falsely copyright striked by a troll who is not at all author of the songs. Youtube is as usual not very helpful about the situation. Third copystrike would end my channel. Copystrike penalty lasts for 3 month. Since my channel with 2 penalties was vulnerable state in that period, I privated all of the songs as a precaution until copystrikes are expired, so the troll couldn't make another strike. Thankfully no copystrike happened and two of the copystrikes expired! Now I can safely make all song videos public again!

I'm sorry for the inconvenience. I hope I did the right thing. 

3 years ago • A Useless Channel

Hey! Now I'm able to share community posts since I have 1k subscribers. Yay
(What's the reason for hiding this feature for smaller channels, YouTube!?)

I made 8 special Project Mirai 4K song videos with custom outfits because I wanted to do something to show you guys my gratitude for 1k subs. It's not much, but I didn't know what else to do.

Again, thank you so much for 1.000 subscribers! I've never expected to grow this big.