Welcome to my humble YouTube channel, which I created long ago and mothballed for a long time until I decided to re-purpose it for ‘locksport’ related videos. This means opening locks without the key or combination. My main inspirations are the LockPickingLawyer and Bosnianbill (LockLab) channels. The first reason why I'm publishing these videos is simply because it's fun and I'd like to share the fun with others. The second reason is to inform people about what they might believe to be secure products that aren't. Of course I adhere to some strict principles and so should anyone else wanting to replicate what is shown in these videos: * In short, don't do anything illegal. * Never open locks that do not belong to you unless the owner explicitly asks for it. * Never use these skills to get into places you don't belong, except in case of emergency. * Never cheat. Cheating is for lamers. The update interval will be random and can range up to several months.