God called Apostle Allan and his lovely wife, Pastor Janine, two weeks after they got saved and gave them a two-fold instruction commanding them: 1. To equip the Body of Christ for the work of the ministry, and 2. To teach His people to prosper Pastor Janine had been miraculously healed of a terrible disease called Fibrous Dysplasia, experienced deliverance out of extreme financial debt and later gave birth to a daughter after doctors told them that neither of them would be able to produce children. Today they have three wonderful children: Brittany, Michaela and Joshua, and one grandchild, Noah. In asking God why more people were not teaching His uncompromised Word, God commissioned Apostle Allan to do just that. Planted out from Christian Family Church International founded by Drs. Theo and Beverley Wolmarans, Apostle Allan and Pastor Janine founded Allan Bagg Ministries (ABM) and on 23 January 1994, they held their first church service as The Bay Christian Family Church (The Bay