Sristy multimedia is a bangla natok,bangla song, music video & movie creator organization.we started our journey on june 2017.We had a family of 1 million subscribers on February 6, 2022. we publish and produced different kind of Bangla music videos, drama and movies. Sristy multimedia is popular to all bangla music and drama lover, singer, artist and others.Sristy multimedia is also popular for making huge media production like music, music video, drama and movie.Sristy tv & Sristy music is another channel of our sristy multimedia. If you like drama, you should be with us.Thank you to all our audiences, artists,employees and last but not the least our subscribers for being with us. Our Address : 91,B & H Building (4th Floor), Bir Uttam C.R Dutta Road,Dhaka-1205 .
7 months ago