FWCM (Faith-Watch Crusaders Ministries) is a brand new Christian ministry based in Northern NJ that is being planted by David Torok, a singer-songwriter who has been called to share his deep knowledge of the Word of God with the unsaved (and especially the rejects of the world) as well as those who need deliverance from religious tradition, false teaching and unsound doctrine.
WE PREACH AND TEACH: Faith healing, Godly prosperity, positive confession, the Baptism of the Holy Spirit, water baptism, the gifts of the Spirit, the power of prayer.
Mr. Torok is also an ardent supporter and partner with the ministries of Richard Roberts, Kenneth Hagin, Keith Moore, Kenneth and Gloria Copeland, Jesse Duplantis, Creflo Dollar and Andrew Wommack.
Our mission is to bring the true gospel of Jesus Christ into every home via YouTube
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