Welcome to Giraffes On Tour™ on YouTube, contains videos of Geoffrey's amazing travels and flights created by people all over the world who have taken onboard our amazing adventure all in aid of spreading the heart breaking story of Louise Conway and her Giraffe Geoffrey ! together they battled a rare form of leukaemia.
All that we do here at Giraffes on tour™ is to fund raise in aid of Great Ormond Street Hospital for children, to help them find a cures or help other families deal with a child suffering with major health issues that require the expertise that the hospital has.
The response we have had from the worlds air forces has been outstanding, from individuals taking Geoffrey on their holidays to the most amazing places.
Help with your support, join us with your own Geoffrey Giraffe as countless others have done and be part of the most amazing adventure TOGETHER WE CAN MAKE A DIFFERENCE.
All content is copyrighted by Giraffes on Tour, or their respective owners.
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