Welcome to my channel where we'll explore many ways to play with energy as we work with Numerology, Tarot, Yoga, Reiki Meditation & Ayurvedic habits. A place to spark your curiosity, tap into your intuition, build self trust & find the tools that will allow you to support you mind, body, soul & spirit. Applying a practical yet embodied approach to work through periods of transition, overwhelm, burnout, critical mindset, negative body image, stress, anxiety or outdated habits. Our bodies & intuition know the way, it's about getting quiet enough to hear what they're saying. Let's co-create with the energy that is already at play, & join me for monthly Numerology Forecasts, Meditations, Yoga practices, Ayurvedic habits, Live card pulls & whatever else is lighting my fire. It's a beautiful and ever evolving journey, come along! INDIVIDUAL VIRTUAL SERVICES / READINGS AVAILABLES www.kitokaizenyoga.com IG- @kitokaizenyoga