Remembering our original expression of that who we are, is our biggest mission. We encoded that information in many ways, unveiling that information, remembering and embodying it, is the our responsibility, our commitment to be that divine source of sovereign nature.
There are multiple manners to achieve this, one of them is the spiritual tech, which is the one that the ancient civilizations would convey through initiation in the generations to come, to keep the primordial seed of cosmic wisdom alive within.
Through quantum and plasma technology I have designed methods to access to this information and ignite it within. This information comes from the Ark of Isis, related to the primordial Gen, and how to unfold its full potential as the multidimensional beings we are, as the cosmic human race we are.
To know more about these methods that involve sacred geometry, numerology, astrology, biology and much more, stay tuned with the information I convey in this channel.
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