2 weeks ago • JimsJunk

The purpose of the previous video was more just to see what would happen. As in, how would the two gpu's hold up with lighter games or games with the graphics turned down to match what I used in previous videos with older gpus.  I plan on releasing another with proper settings to push the two to their limits to see how far behind the 1650 falls much like I did for the last 3 benchmarks in that video. 

2 weeks ago • JimsJunk

Just benchmarked Vmware against Hyper-V against QEMU....and yeah so far the results are not what I expected.  No QEMU did not come out in the lead.  This was literally a basic install of each, no tweaks. 

4 months ago • JimsJunk

For the hell of it, I ordered a GT 710 with GDDR5 ram.  Figure why not just see what the difference between the two types are.  Many commented that the GDDR5 version was far better and actually offered decent low end performance, so we'll see how it does.   Once it comes in I'll record the benchmarks and have the video up in about a week or so. 

6 months ago • JimsJunk

So the video I just uploaded is pretty simple and quick.  Working on a few other things atm, but uploaded this in the meantime.


Wattage vs Performance for Pentium 4, Pentium D, C2D, Core 2 Quad


6 months ago • 1,934 views

6 months ago (edited) • JimsJunk

Edit:  https://youtu.be/juHuJIGHhFU 

I recently replaced my home server, so I thought for the hell of it I'd compare the old ones 6th gen i5 6500 against the third gen i5 3570....ya know....see what Intel was up to.  The cpu itself yeah, ok more efficient a bit faster...but the iGPU...holy crap.  Not saying its ANYWHERE close to even a 1050, but was shocked at how much better the 6500's igpu was to the 2500 in the 3570.    I'm throwing a video together about it.  Hopefully uploaded tonight or tomorrow.


8 months ago • JimsJunk

Got my hands on a Geforce 210 .  What do you think...run it against the first gen Intel HD graphics or against its older sibling the gt710?  Regardless I will include the results of all 3 in the graphs.

Why?  Yeah I asked myself that, but wanted to go back and see how bad it really was.  Many commented about the 710 not being nearly as bad as the 210 (and you're right...but in all fairness it is older)

0 votes 

210 vs gt710

210 vs Intel HD Graphics

256 votes

8 months ago • JimsJunk

If all your programs and games were available for Linux, would you switch to Linux (if you're already a windows user)? 



I'm a Mac user

Already use Linux fulltime (or mostly fulltime)

261 votes

9 months ago • JimsJunk

Came across an Radeon R7 240.  What do you think, should I put it up against the gt 710 just for the hell of it?  Your call, I don't want to beat a dead horse.

Both are 2gb ddr3 models and released around the same time for similar prices.

(PS - had to repost this, thought it was an r5 but its an r7...same diff really.) 



217 votes

9 months ago • JimsJunk

Question for Y'all .  Has Windows Startup Repair EVER worked for any of you?  I mean EVER, not just Windows 10 or 11, but ANY version of windows. 



217 votes

9 months ago • JimsJunk

FWIW just so you know, I do not disable comments on videos.  

I found one video that had the comments disabled.  Not sure why this is, and I'll be checking all other videos tomorrow to make sure this isn't the case on them.  

If you should ever find any of my videos have comments disabled, please let me know so I can fix it.