Istiqomakan Dhikr, Strengthen Thinking, Convince Heart, and Fix Morals.
Al-Mubarokah Adz-Dzikri Assembly Study Schedule:
1. Thursday night and Saturday night, 20.30 to 23.00 (Quran Recitation and Book Reading)
2. Friday night, 20.30 to 24.00 (Reading Ratib, Asmaul Husna, Istighotsah Dhikr Manaqib, Reading Manaqib Shaykh Abdul Qadir Al Jailany, and Reading Maulid).
3. Sunday, 16.00 s.d. 17.30 (Weekly Study for Muslimat - once every 2 weeks).
4. Every 2nd week, at 08.30 to 11.30 (Monthly Recitation) "Reading Manaqib Shaykh Abdul Qadir Al Jaelany, Reading Maulid., and Compensation for Orphans).
Hoping for the blessing of Allah and the intercession of Nabiyyuna Muhammad Saw., as well as the blessings of the Auliya Allah, I hope this YOUTUBE CHANNEL can be useful as a medium for da'wah / syi'ar Islam.🌹
Address: Behind Jami Hidayatullah Mosque - Pasar Kecapi RT.01 RW.04 No.60 Kel. Jatiwarna Kec. Pondok Melati Bekasi City - JABAR
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