2 months ago • Matthew 7:7 Ministries

If you have questions about my latest video, I'm hosting a live Q&A right now! 

Here is the link:

Depart From Me Q&A
Wednesday, December 11 ·  8:45  – 9:45pm
Time zone: America/Detroit
Google Meet joining info
Video call link:  https://meet.google.com/ohp-eawx-okj 

3 months ago • Matthew 7:7 Ministries

I want to say hello and shalom to all of you brothers and sisters who have been here from the beginning as well as all of our new subscribers we've added the last month.  I'm working hard on my next video as much as I have time.  In the mean time, I know it gets lonely.  Stay strong brothers and sisters. In the meantime, I wanted to share a video I did a while back and I pray it blesses you and reminds you of who it is we serve! 


 All praise to Yahuah forever and ever. 

1 year ago • Matthew 7:7 Ministries

Have you stolen from Yahuah? Join us in 2 Hours at  8:30  Eastern for tonight's LiveStream to find out what His word tells us.  I hope to see you there! 

1 year ago (edited) • Matthew 7:7 Ministries


Shalom Brothers and Sisters!

It's been a while, so I must apologize. Due to circumstances out of my control, I had to put the weekly Livestreams on hold.  But I'm back TONIGHT @ 8:30PM Eastern Time. 

My apologies for not posting in a while.  The last month has been a difficult one for me both financially and physically. However, the ministry has continued.  Yahuah has been so gracious in allowing me to continue all of our normal weekly services.  In fact, we are only 2 weeks away from celebrating our ONE YEAR anniversary of Friday night Torah Study!  We are also in planning for a gathering in Tennessee for Pesach (Passover) so keep an eye out for that announcement.  

If you'd like to register for any of those, here are the links:  (All times are in Eastern Time Zone):

Weekly Shabbat Service with Torah Study and Fellowship (Friday from 9:00pm to 11:00pm)

Weekly Ladies Study and Fellowship (Saturday from 6:00pm to 7:30pm)

Weekly Men's Study and Fellowship (Wednesday from 8:00pm to 9:30pm)

Regardless, I hope to see many of you tonight for Part 8 of our series GAURD YAH'S COMMANDMENTS!

May Yahuah Bless You! 

1 year ago • Matthew 7:7 Ministries

Have you visited our community marketplace? 

It's not a place to buy or sell, but rather a place for community members to help each other. 

As the world continues to change before our eyes, it will become increasingly difficult for those in need. So as we seek to live in obedience to Yahuah, this is a place to share in your abundance, or request help when you are in need. 

The intent of this tool is to connect those IN NEED with those able to MEET A NEED. I’m convinced that as we grow in knowledge of Yahuah, we will also grow in unity as His people, as we are ECHAD(unity of multiple parts) in Him.

My sincere prayer is that this tool will serve as the manifestation of the fruit of our service to Him.

It is not widely used yet, but please do take a minute to take a look. There is currently one posted need and one posted donation.  

Click this link to check it out:  https://www.77ministries.com/Marketplace 



1 year ago (edited) • Matthew 7:7 Ministries

If you join and aren't let right in the meeting, please be patient as we finish our prayer together.  

Register Here:  https://www.77ministries.com/prayer-meeting 

I hope to see you there!

For where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them.  MATTITHYAHU (MATTHEW)  18:20  את CEPHER 

1 year ago (edited) • Matthew 7:7 Ministries

12:00PM to 8:00PM EST followed by this week's live stream on YouTube.

That time of year is upon us again.  And for some, this may be your first year of not celebrating the Babylonian holidays.  I remember 4 years ago, I made the choice for myself.  And I'd be lying if I told you it wasn't lonely.  But whether this is your first year or twentieth, I know that the world's holiday season can be difficult for those of us who walk in the way.  But I want you to know, YOU ARE NOT ALONE!

That's why this year, I've decided to hold a special prayer meeting on December 25th.  While the world is celebrating a false Elohiym, I would be honored if you would join me to praise and worship Yahuah and our Mashiach Yahusha, and lift up our loved ones to our Father in prayer, standing together and asking Him to reveal Himself to the lost and deceived.  

The meeting will begin at 12:00pm eastern time, and go until 8:00pm eastern.  I will lead prayer at the top of every hour, so feel free to join anytime and stay as long as you'd like. 

I plan for it to be an informal time of fellowship so that each one of us can be reminded that even though the path is narrow and troublesome, we are not alone.  Our brothers and sisters are enduring all across Yahuah's earth, and the True KING OF KINGS, our Mashiach Yahusha is with us!

Register Here:  https://www.77ministries.com/prayer-meeting 

I hope to see you there!

For where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them.  MATTITHYAHU (MATTHEW)  18:20  את CEPHER 

1 year ago (edited) • Matthew 7:7 Ministries

REMINDER! We are having a LIVE scripture study guide meeting at 8:00pm Eastern Time. 

I recommend you watch this video first and then register here:  https://bit.ly/3MvP7UP .



Matthew 7:7 Ministries

2 years ago • 7,481 views

1 year ago • Matthew 7:7 Ministries

Shalom brothers and sisters.  I have to postpone tonight's livestream teaching for later this week.   See you soon!

Your brother in Yahusha Ha'Mashiach,


shared 1 year ago • Matthew 7:7 Ministries

Reminder! Tonight is our first Tin Foil Hat Club Meeting. Register to join us for what's certain to be a fun and interesting fellowship!