Will the world end on December 12, 2012? Dr. D.W. Kreger, author of "2012 and the Mayan Prophecy of Doom" discusses the definitive guide to the mythology, archaeology and science behind the 2012 Mayan calendar prophecies. Most agree that we are now approaching the end of one age and the beginning of a new age. What is the scientific evidence for a global cataclysm of the kind mentioned in ancient mythology? What was it that so intrigued Albert Einstein about the possibility of a recurring global cataclysm, even though he had no knowledge of Mayan prophecies? Dr. Kreger's book contains research by Einstein, Plato, Edgar Cayce, and authors of ancient Mayan books, Popol Vuh and Chilam Balam. Each of these people worked independently of each other, in most cases having no knowledge of the others writings. They all wrote about a periodic cataclysmic event, eerily similar in details. Were they all writing about the same recurring cataclysm? Or is this a coincidence? You decide.
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