There is no substitute for the word of God which reveal who God is, and His plans, purposes, and completed work for you.
Pathway Sermon Series is dedicated to bringing God’s word in bite sizes free from lingos and church activities. The messages are presented in faceless format without compromising the depth and quality of the truth.
Each video episode is about 5 minutes long and can be consumed in transit, in the kitchen, on lunch breaks, while relaxing, and even in the rest room! So, you can follow and learn as much about that topic in no time at all.
Gone are the days when churches try to bring outsiders into the church hall, whereas Jesus Christ went to where the people are taking the church to them and that is the ethos of this channel. Welcome to church on the go! Take the sermon with you and enjoy your time with God. PathwaySermonSeries
#thebibleproject #aboveinspiration #SpokenGospel @spokengospel
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